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来源:学大教育     时间:2017-12-05 11:19:50


From earliest times,human beings have noticed patterns in nature:night and day,tides and lunar cycles,the changing seasons,plant succession,and animal migration.While recognizing patterns conferred great survival advantage,we are now in danger from our own success in multiplying our numbers and altering those patterns for our own purposes. It is imperative that we engage again with the patterns of nature,but this time,with awareness of our impact as a species.How will burgeoning human populations affect the health of ecosystems?Is loss of species simply a regrettable byproduct of human expansion?Or is the planet passing into a new epoch in just a few human generations? Perhaps it is time to re-evaluate our relationship with the mother nature.We must find a way to best harmonize the environment for both the livings of human and the nature,or else we may both disappear if we as human beings continue to live in this life pattern. 无忧考网:http://www.51test.net/show/8675075.html


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